For Emergencies we are open:

Sundays & public holidays:

10.00 bis 12:00 o'clock

(emergency standby 0611502014)

For Emergencies we are open:

Sundays & public holidays:

10.00 bis 12:00 o'clock

(emergency standby 0611502014)

Animal Health Center Wiesbaden

  Our speaking and opening hours

     +49 (0)611 50 20 14

Office hours of small animal practice

Monday - Friday:
9:30-12:00 & 16:00-19:00  o'clock

break between 13:00 and 15:00  o'clock   

Saturday: 9:30-12:00  o'clock

And after telephone agreement.

For emergency consultations you can reach us:

Sundays & Holidays: 10:00 to 12:00  o'clock

(emergency standby 0611502014)

You are welcome! Our Team speak english with you.

Office hours of horse practice

Registration for horses and large animals:

Monday - Saturday: 9.00-9.30 o'clock

Please note: From 8:00 pm to 8:00 am, all animal practice emergencies are forwarded from our telephone system to the veterinarian on duty of theVeterinary Emergency Association Wiesbaden.



We are available to you and your pet with an experienced, highly motivated team!


Contrary to current developments in human and veterinary medicine, we would like to take our time for our patients!
Tiergesundheitszentrum Wiesbaden Logo
Our motto:
„Help for Animals - Our Conviction!“
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